Grand Trans Siberian Express

Have you ever been on a train for 6,500 kilometres? Neither had we...until now. And it was never boring! Eastbound and Westbound both have advantages. You can book this epic journey here. Moscow - Ulaanbaatar is truly one of those great…
train local tour guides

JWT Mongolia Guide Training

Mongolia is about twice the size of Texas, yet has only about 3 million people. So much space! On our assessment Field Day, the local guides took us to Terelj National Park to see throat singing, a contortionist, incredible musicianship…
connecting tourism professionals

Mongolia Ministry of Tourism

Great meeting today with Mongolia's Officer of Tourism Policy Coordination. We're discussing training more guides, a Train the Trainer programme, and How To Increase visitor numbers to Mongolia. Incredible hospitality in this country. And…

Our Friends at IATDG

Have you heard about IATDG's podcast series for tour directors and guides? We're pleased to be featured! Click here to listen. We'll also be delivering an educational session in Orlando, Florida 8-12 November 2019 in partnership with IATDG.…